Whither is God? Nietzche’s Madman and Ideology
Russell Clarke
Moral Sanity Reformulated: Revisiting Susan Wolf’s Sanity-Condition
Benjamin Edelson
Kantian Practical Ethics is Empty
Anson Berns
Pulling for Moralism: Rough Heroes and the Moral Aufheben Argument
David Veldran
Emma Cox
Sadism in the Bedroom: Metaethical Reasons to Prefer Kantianism to Utilitarianism
Andy J. Baldassarre
The Private Language Argument and Mind-Body Dualism: A Reassessment
Álvaro R. G. Barredo
Biology or Information: A Refutation of the Simulation Argument
Brady Cook
The Neofeudal Thesis and The Frankfurt School: A Conversation with Jodi Dean, PhD
Savannah Sima